
The Prophecies of Isaiah: Translated and Explained, Volume 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Following an extensive introduction to the book of Isaiah, Joseph Addison Alexander offers critical commentary on the original text. Offering both synoptic annotation and semantic inquiry into the text, Alexander elucidates of the literal and figurative prose. Volume one covers chapters one through thirty-one.

that God will judge the principalities and powers of both worlds, in order to accomplish his declared designs. To pronounce the passage spurious because it seems to speak of evil spirits and their doom, is to assume that nothing is ever mentioned for the first time, but that all allusion to a doctrine must be simultaneous. Even in the later books of Scripture, how few and incidental and obscure are the allusions to this subject! In the same taste and spirit, and of equal value, are Gesenius’s attempts
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